Penny Duncklee

Forced Journey


Forced Journey is the continuing story of Quiet Water, an Anglo boy found by the Hopi Indians after being separated from his pioneer parents during a storm. Raised as a Hopi by his Indian parents, Tall Deer and Blue-Flower-Blooming, Quiet Water must lead a column of U.S. Calvary on an expedition to locate sites for forts that will protect the settlers on their way to California. The tribal elders have instructed Quiet Water to lead the soldiers as far away from the village and Indian lands as possible. The soldiers' commanding officer, Lieutenant Moser, has decided to forcibly return Quiet Water to his Christian parents.

Quiet Water must walk a narrow path between following the elders' requests and not being held captive by the soldiers. It is a story of life choices that a young boy entering adulthood must make. Torn between two cultures, the story of Quiet Water's decisions will surprise and delight young adult readers.

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Penny Duncklee